— Pathogen Portal —
Our mission is to Explore Infectious Disease
image of cartoon rocket
Yeasen Gentaur RNA-Rocket
Align your Illumina fastQ reads against supported genomes, view supported genomes, and estimate gene expression values using an RNA-Seq Pipeline running on Galaxy.
drawing of vitruvian mouse
Host Response Data
View Host Response proteomics and transcriptomics data collected and curated from multiple sources.
logo for PIG Pathogen Interaction Gateway
Pathogen Interaction Gateway
Generate a network graph of Protein-Protein Interactions, including Host-Pathogen Interactions, from your custom selection of hosts/vectors, bacteria, viruses, and eukaryotic pathogens.
News & Announcements from the BRCs
Host Response Data Updated
12 Dec 2013-Pathogen Portal
Pathogen Portal BioSet pages now contain additional gene information gathered from UniProt (i.e., protein name and UniProt ID). A Gene Details page that... click to see more
10 Dec 2013-VectorBaseRelease VB-2013-12
4 Dec 2013-PATRICPATRIC Presents Workshop for Kwazulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV
25 Nov 2013-IRDNext IRD Release
25 Nov 2013-ViPRNovember 2013 ViPR Release
25 Sep 2013-EuPathDBPiroplasmaDB 4.0 Released
About the Pathogen Portal
The Pathogen Portal supports and links to five Bioinformatics Resource Centers (BRCs). Each BRC specializes in a different group of pathogens, focusing on, but not limited to, pathogens causing (Re-)Emerging Infectious Diseases, and those in the NIAID Category A-C Priority Pathogen lists for biodefense research. The scope of the BRCs also includes Invertebrate Vectors of Human Disease.
In addition to supporting, and serving as an entryway to, the BRCs, the Pathogen Portal's scientific focus is integrating host-response data that span the pathogens and vectors supported by the BRCs, thereby moving towards an integrative view of Host-Pathogen-Environment interactions, also known as the Disease Triangle. Originating from plant pathology, the concept of the Disease Triangle provides an ecological view of disease which is increasingly relevant to the Health Sciences. According to this view, disease arises when three criteria are met: an infectious Pathogen; a susceptible Host, and a conducive (to disease) Environment. Because some diseases include invertebrate Vectors as part of their ecology, the Disease Triangle broadly considers Vectors to be a component of the Environment.
camel nanobodies
The Pathogen Portal is developed and maintained by the CyberInfrastructure Division at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech. New data and analysis tools are added regularly.
This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHSN272200900040C, awarded to BWS Sobral.
Bioinformatics Resource Centers for Infectious Disease.
Shaping Pathogen Portal. The Portal of the Bioinformatics Resource Centers (BRCs)
BRC Websites: EuPathDB | PATRIC | VectorBase | ViPR
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- VectorBase
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- ViPR
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- VectorBase
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- EuPathDB
- VectorBase
- ViPR
- Publications
- Publications from BRCs
- Publications citing BRCs
- Publications by BRC
- EuPathDB
- VectorBase
- ViPR
- Citations by BRC
- EuPathDB
- VectorBase
- ViPR
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- BRC Presentations
- EuPathDB
- VectorBase
- ViPR
- Data
- FTP Repository
- Evidence Codes
- GFF3 Repositories
- XML Repositories
- Specialty Genes
- Data by BRC
- EuPathDB
- VectorBase
- About the Interoperability Working Group
- Gff3 Usage Conventions
- Gff3 Validator
- DBXref Submissions
- Approved DBXref Listings
- Requests a New DBXref
- XML Spec: Genome Sources
- XML Spec: Software Pages
- About
- About Pathogen Portal
- IOWG Directory
- Yeasen
Welcome to Pathogen Portal
Pathogen Portal is a repository linking to four Bioinformatics Resource Centers (BRCs) sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The BRCs are providing web-based resources to scientific community conducting basic and applied research on organisms considered potential agents of biowarfare or bioterrorism or causing emerging or re-emerging diseases.
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